Brothers and sisters,
For this week’s Illuminator, I want to highlight a story I heard the other day of someone going way above and beyond to be kind to another person. While I don’t know the religious affiliations of anyone involved in this story, the thought and dedication to another person is something we Christians ought to emulate.
In Pocatello, Idaho, there was only one video rental store still in business, a place called Video Stop. Run by its owner, David Kraning, the store had been there for years. Kraning had actually taken over the business from his father years ago, but his profits had taken a huge tumble due to the rise of streaming services like Netflix. Within the last year or so, Kraning finally came to the difficult decision that he needed to close the store. Video Stop closed on February 1st this year. He was losing money on it and had been for a while, but there was a reason he’d kept it open even when it wasn’t turning a profit.
Christina Cavanaugh is the Video Stop’s most loyal customer. She also has Down syndrome and is mostly non-verbal. As part of her weekly routine, Christina and her mother, Toni, would come to the video store three times per week and that has been going on for the last fifteen years. Christina loves Disney movies, especially Mulan and Hercules, and it brings her a sense of order and security to have these excursions to the video store. She also gets to work on life skills while she’s there—picking what she wants, interacting with cashiers, presenting cash, and thanking the cashier. It’s an important part of her life.
When Kraning realized he needed to close the store, he said that he was upset not just because of the death of the business, but he was worried about how it would affect Christina. Routines are extremely important for folks struggling with disorders like Down syndrome. As it happens, Kraning also owns the convenience store next door. So, as February 1st approached, Kraning cleared out a corner of his convenience store and set up shelves from Video Stop. He then stocked them with about 200 videos—50 Disney movies for Christina and his next 150 top rentals. His employees christened the display, “Christina’s Corner.”
One day, when Toni came to the convenience store, Kraning showed her Christina’s Corner and Toni said she burst into tears, barely able to thank him. “David is such a humble person, and he’s usually very quiet. I had no idea he’d been worrying about how closing the shop would affect Christina. I thought, ‘My gosh—he’s been losing money, but he came up with a plan just for my daughter?’ Who knew this guy’s heart was so big?” Regarding all this, Kraning said, “It felt good to know that Toni could continue to bring Christina in. I wanted to do something nice for them both. I knew there had probably been some struggles over the years.”
May we all look out for our neighbors the way he looked out for Christina.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Ben