The Birds of the Air

June 2, 2024
The Birds of the Air
Rev. Benjamin Wines
Mark 4:26-34

Call to Worship (Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15)
Leader: It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
People: To sing praises to your name, O Most High;
Leader: To declare your steadfast love in the morning,
People: And your faithfulness by night,
Leader: To the music of the lute and the harp,
People: To the melody of the lyre.
Leader: For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work;
People: At the works of your hands I sing for joy.
Leader: The righteous flourish like the palm tree,
People: And grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Leader: They are planted in the house of the Lord;
People: They flourish in the courts of our God.
Leader: In old age they still produce fruit;
People: They are always green and full of sap,
Leader: Showing that the Lord is upright;
People: He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.

We look forward to joining you in Worship this Sunday, starting at 11:00AM in the Sanctuary. You can also find our services online at the HVBC YouTube Channel. Today’s sermon is titled, “The Birds of the Air”. We will be reading from Mark 4:26-34, and our Call to Worship comes from Psalm 92.

Questions for Further Reflection:
Allen Verhey once referred to the gospel as, “The Great Reversal.”
How does the Parable of the Mustard Seed affirm that idea?
How does it challenge you to reach out to others?