Finals MVP

Brothers and sisters,

Last night (Monday), I watched the second half of Game 5 of the NBA Finals between the Dallas Mavericks and the Boston Celtics. And, to be honest, it was not a particularly compelling half of basketball. To be even more honest, these Finals were not particularly compelling. Boston quickly took a 3-0 lead in the series (you have to win 4 games to win the Finals), with Dallas avoiding the sweep by winning Game 4 in Dallas. But teams that fall down 0-3 in a seven-game series in the NBA are now 0-157. Boston’s victory was never really in doubt

The part of the series that was more compelling came in the world of sports media. See, Boston has two high-level superstars that sports talk show hosts love to pit against each other. They are Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown. The narrative you usually hear is something like, “Tatum is obviously the best scorer and the overall best player, but Brown is the leader and on any given night, he can be Boston’s best.” If Tatum has a great game, you’ll hear breathless segments about how that affects Brown’s overall value to the Celtics. Or if Brown has a great streak of games, hosts will ask questions like, “Does this negatively impact Tatum’s basketball legacy?”

Well, last night, a tremendous amount of fuel was about to be added to the fire. During the Finals, an award is given out for “Finals MVP”—the most valuable player in the Finals. Finals MVPs are a big deal and so players really do want to win it. Leading up to last night’s game, pundits were arguing over who should win it—Brown or Tatum. They were arguing over whether or not this would cause a rift in Boston. Should Jaylen Brown get it because he’s been better in the Finals or should Tatum get it because he’s been better throughout the season? They were ready, regardless of who won, to use it as a talking point come Tuesday morning.

Jaylen Brown won Finals MVP. And when he won, he smiled a moment, looked over at Jayson Tatum, and, when given a microphone, immediately said, “It was a full team effort and I share this with my brothers and my partner in crime, Jayson Tatum. He was with me the whole way, we share this [award] together.” Brown knew what others would do with his award—use it against his teammate—if he didn’t nip it in the bud.

It honestly reminded me of the many times that Paul counseled early churches that the only ways they should be competing with each other was in building each other up. He despised the way the Corinthians tried to weaponize the name of the person who had baptized them, as if Christians are divided into teams. He pushed back hard against Peter’s hypocrisy when Peter was willing to eat with one group of Galatians until a different group showed up. Paul understood that the mission of God’s church is accomplished when everyone works together. It was never about which disciple gained more glory. It was always meant to be about people hearing that God loved them. That’s it. Church is meant to be a full team effort, shared by brothers and sisters in Christ who are with each other the whole way.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Ben

A Prism of the Mind

June 16, 2024
A Prism of the Mind
Rev. Benjamin Wines
Genesis 18:1-15

We look forward to joining you in Worship this Sunday, starting at 11:00AM in the Sanctuary. You can also find our services online at the HVBC YouTube Channel. Today’s sermon is titled, “A Prism of the Mind”. We will be reading from Genesis 18:1-15, and our Call to Worship comes from Psalm 100.

Call to Worship Psalm 100
Leader: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
People: Worship the Lord with gladness;
Leader: Come into his presence with singing.
People: Know that the Lord is God.
Leader: It is he that made us, and we are his;
People: We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Leader: Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
People: And his courts with praise.
Leader: Give thanks to him, bless his name.
People: For the Lord is good;
Leader: His steadfast love endures forever,
People: And his faithfulness to all generations.

Questions for Further Reflection:
In this passage, Abraham makes a choice about how he will respond to the three strangers.
How does hope change the way we make decisions?
How does the hope that comes from God change our decisions?

Wear Sunscreen

June 9, 2024
Wear Sunscreen
Rev. Benjamin Wines
Romans 12:9-17

Call to Worship Psalm 19:7-10, 14
Leader: The law of the Lord is perfect,
People: Reviving the soul;
Leader: The decrees of the Lord are sure,
People: Making wise the simple;
Leader: The precepts of the Lord are right,
People: Rejoicing the heart;
Leader: The commandment of the Lord is clear,
People: Enlightening the eyes;
Leader: The fear of the Lord is pure,
People: Enduring forever;
Leader: The ordinances of the Lord are true
People: And righteous altogether.
Leader: More to be desired are they than gold,
People: Even much fine gold;
Leader: Sweeter also than honey,
People: And drippings of the honeycomb.
Leader: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
People: Be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

We look forward to joining you in Worship this Sunday, starting at 11:00AM in the Sanctuary. You can also find our services online at the HVBC YouTube Channel. Today’s sermon is titled, “Wear Sunscreen”. We will be reading from Romans 12:9-17, and our Call to Worship comes from Psalm 19.

Questions for Further Reflection:
In this passage, Paul gives a lot of advice to the Roman Christians.
Which bit of advice connected most with you?
What bit of advice would you give to other Christians?

The Birds of the Air

June 2, 2024
The Birds of the Air
Rev. Benjamin Wines
Mark 4:26-34

Call to Worship (Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15)
Leader: It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
People: To sing praises to your name, O Most High;
Leader: To declare your steadfast love in the morning,
People: And your faithfulness by night,
Leader: To the music of the lute and the harp,
People: To the melody of the lyre.
Leader: For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work;
People: At the works of your hands I sing for joy.
Leader: The righteous flourish like the palm tree,
People: And grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Leader: They are planted in the house of the Lord;
People: They flourish in the courts of our God.
Leader: In old age they still produce fruit;
People: They are always green and full of sap,
Leader: Showing that the Lord is upright;
People: He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.

We look forward to joining you in Worship this Sunday, starting at 11:00AM in the Sanctuary. You can also find our services online at the HVBC YouTube Channel. Today’s sermon is titled, “The Birds of the Air”. We will be reading from Mark 4:26-34, and our Call to Worship comes from Psalm 92.

Questions for Further Reflection:
Allen Verhey once referred to the gospel as, “The Great Reversal.”
How does the Parable of the Mustard Seed affirm that idea?
How does it challenge you to reach out to others?

An Interwoven Story

We look forward to joining you in Worship this Sunday, starting at 11:00AM in the Sanctuary. You can also find our services online at the HVBC YouTube Channel. Today’s sermon is titled, “An Interwoven Story”. We will be reading from Mark 1:1-13, and our Call to Worship comes from Psalm 85.

Call to Worship (Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13)
Leader: Lord, you were favorable to your land;
People: You restored the fortunes of Jacob.
Leader: You forgave the iniquity of your people;
People: You pardoned all their sin.
Leader: Let me hear what God the Lord will speak,
People: For he will speak peace to his people,
Leader: To his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts.
People: Surely his salvation is at hand for those who fear him,
Leader: That his glory may dwell in our land.
People: Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet;
Leader: Righteousness and peace will kiss each other.
People: Faithfulness will spring up from the ground,
Leader: And righteousness will look down from the sky.
People: The Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase.
Leader: Righteousness will go before him,
People: And will make a path for his steps.

Questions for Further Reflection:
In this passage, we see the three members of the Trinity loving each other well.
How does the love God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit inspire you to love others?

On the Yard Sale

Brothers and sisters,

Last Saturday, May 18th, our church hosted a community yard sale. The preparation took months as folks brought in gently used items to sell. Over the last two months in particular, Robin and I would get at least one phone call per week letting us know that someone was coming with a trunk full of stuff for the yard sale and asking if we’d help them unload it. We always did and I appreciated the time it gave us to get to talk with you all and hear the stories behind some of the items you donated.

In addition to those months of build-up, the week before the yard sale was itself a busy, but good time of fellowship. The Wednesday and Thursday before the sale were particularly fun days to be at the church because there was so much buzz, so much energy surrounding what was going to happen on Saturday. And so much good, faithful work was done by all the volunteers who came out those days—moving, sorting, organizing, and pricing every single item that had been donated.

In addition to the yard sale itself, we had a bake sale that benefitted Hope House. So many people in our congregation baked so many wonderful treats and sweets for that sale, which ended up bringing in $300 to continue to support refugees and their families. People also chipped in with snacks and finger foods for the volunteers so that we never had to worry about breakfast or lunch—the church had us covered!

At the yard sale itself, I saw so many people getting excited for the things they had found. Children were walking out the door with stacks of children’s books, along with some toys. Parents were walking out with armfuls of clothes for themselves or their kids. Place settings, picture frames, furniture, and the sorts of random things one only finds at a yard sale walked out as well.

I also saw church members enjoying being around each other and being around the community. We ran into people we knew from previous ministries we’d worked on together. We connected with people over shared interests and the items that go along with those interests. And I saw church members reconnecting with each other after not seeing each other for a while.

And, once the sale was over and the boxes had been packed, a local non-profit organization in need of items for their own clothing closets and community centers came in and took everything away in order to keep blessing our community. That connection was made simply because one of their leaders saw our sign on Thursday and had the initiative to come and ask if we could work together on this.

In the end, the yard sale raised about $1,800 for our church’s capital campaign fund. That in and of itself is wonderful! But I’m also still buzzing over what an overall good day it was. Good work was done in a faithful way to bless our community. That good work brought us all together with friends old and new and connected us with other brothers and sisters in Christ working on behalf of our community. God is good, y’all. All the time, God is good.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Ben

Deep Breaths

May 26, 2024
An Interwoven Story
Rev. Benjamin Wines
Mark 1:1-13

We look forward to joining you in Worship this Sunday, starting at 11:00AM in the Sanctuary. You can also find our services online at the HVBC YouTube Channel. Today’s sermon is titled, “Deep Breaths”. We will be reading from Romans 8:22-27, and our Call to Worship comes from Acts 2.

Call to Worship (Acts 2:1-4, 17-18, 21)
Leader: When the day of Pentecost had come,
People: [The disciples] were all together in one place.
Leader: And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind,
People: And it filled the entire house where they were sitting.
Leader: Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them,
People: And a tongue rested on each of them.
Leader: All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit
People: And began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
Leader: “In the last days it will be, God declares,
People: “That I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh,
Leader: “And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
People: “And your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
Leader: “Even upon my slaves, both men and women,
People: “In those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.
All: “Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Questions for Further Reflection:
When we think of Pentecost, we usually think of the Holy Spirit as a mighty, rushing wind.
What do you think of Paul’s image of the Holy Spirit — a deep breath or a sigh too deep for words?

The Rest of the Story

May 12, 2024
The Rest of the Story
Rev. Benjamin Wines
Mark 16:9-20

We look forward to joining you in Worship this Sunday, starting at 11:00AM in the Sanctuary. You can also find our services online at the HVBC YouTube Channel. Today’s sermon is titled, “The Rest of the Story”. We will be reading from Mark 16:9-20, and our Call to Worship comes from Psalm 47.

Call to Worship
Leader: Clap your hands, all you peoples;
People: Shout to God with loud songs of joy.
Leader: For the Lord, the Most High, is awesome,
People: A great king over all the earth.
Leader: God has gone up with a shout,
People: The Lord with the sound of a trumpet.
Leader: Sing praises to God, sing praises;
People: Sing praises to our King, sing praises.
Leader: For God is king of all the earth;
People: Sing praises with a psalm.
Leader: God is king over the nations;
People: God sits on his holy throne.
Leader: The princes of the people gather
People: As the people of the God of Abraham.
Leader: For the shields of the earth belong to God;
People: He is highly exalted.
from Psalm 47

Questions for Further Reflection:
This passage is as much about the community of faith as it is about Jesus’ resurrection.
What does it mean to be part of a community of faith?
What can we learn from others in our church family?

God and Stories

Brothers and sisters,

I’m in the midst of moving apartments this week, which means my nights have been filled with organizing my stuff, packing boxes, and, most importantly, looking at things and asking myself either, “Do I really need this?” or “What did I buy this for?” One of the more obscure things I’ve found was a VCR to DVD converter I bought years ago with the intent of converting our copy of the “Star Wars: Special Edition” trilogy into DVDs. You may be asking, “Why?” Because I have strong opinions on some of the changes made between the “Special Edition” and the DVD editions that came out years later. By the way, I never did convert the movies, but I still had the converter.

I bring that up not just to further establish my credibility as a nerd, but also because I’m always struck by the memories that different items can bring up. I remember buying that converter because of how much I loved the “Special Edition.” There are certain cooking utensils I have that I look at and think, “I remember when someone gave that to me” or “Oh, I remember the recipe I bought these for—that did not work out!” And there’s almost always a smile on my face as I do that. It sounds a little sentimental, but these things end up telling a part of my story.

Last week, during Bible Study, we talked about Psalm 98 and the image of God as one who remembers. The first part of verse 3 reads, “[God] has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness.” Throughout the scriptures, the people of Israel in particular talk about God as one who remembers. God knows their story. God cherishes them and God cherishes the stories they’ve shared together. You’ll notice as well that the Israelites will go out of their way to create monuments, to create items that tell the story of their relationship with God and their commitment to each other.

But one of the truly wonderful things about God is that God is always looking to make new memories with people. That extends to all people, in all places. God is always speaking into people’s lives, affecting their stories, and weaving them into God’s own story. There may not always be special items to commemorate those moments, but the presence of God is ever-present in the lives of each of us. I hope that you can take some time this week to reflect on special moments in your own life: be those family moments, good times with friends, or important occasions in your own faith. Take the time to consider them, to remember they are a part of your story, and to look for the ways God is woven into your own story.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Ben

How About Now?

May 5, 2024
How About Now?
Rev. Benjamin Wines
Mark 8:22-26

We look forward to joining you in Worship this Sunday, starting at 11:00AM in the Sanctuary. You can also find our services online at the HVBC YouTube Channel. Today’s sermon is titled, “How About Now?”. We will be reading from Mark 8:22-26, and our Call to Worship comes from Psalm 98.

Call to Worship
Leader: O sing to the Lord a new song,
People: For he has done marvelous things.
Leader: His right hand and his holy arm,
People: They have gotten him victory.
Leader: The Lord has made known his victory;
People: He has revealed his vindication in the sight of the nations.
Leader: He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness to Israel.
People: All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God.
Leader: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;
People: Break forth into joyous song and sing praises.
Leader: Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre,
People: With the lyre and the sound of melody.
Leader: With trumpets and the sound of the horn
People: Make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord.
Leader: Let the sea roar and all that fills it,
People: The world and those who live in it.
Leader: Let the floods clap their hands;
People: Let the hills sing together for joy
Leader: At the presence of the Lord,
People: For he is coming to judge the earth.
from Psalm 98

Questions for Further Reflection:
In this passage, we see a two-step miracle.
How does that challenge the way you think about Jesus?
How can this two-step process offer us hope?