
Unexpected – Rev. Benjamin Wines

I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart;
I will tell of all Your wonderful deeds.
I will be glad and exult in You;
I will sing praise to Your Name, O Most High.
The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed,
A stronghold in times of trouble.
And those who know Your name put their trust in You,
For you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.
For the needy shall not always be forgotten,
Nor the hope of the poor perish forever.
Rise up, O Lord! Do not let mortals prevail;
Let the nations be judged before You.
Put them in fear, O Lord;
Let the nations know that they are only human. – from Psalm 9

Join us as Rev. Benjamin Wines continues our series about King David – “The Man After God’s Own Heart” We will be reading from 1 Samuel 17:1-11, 32-51.

Today’s Quartet is Brenda Doyle, Mary Summerlin, Mike Bunch and Chris Summerlin. A big thank you to all of the above for sharing their gifts of music with us this morning.

On Eyes

On Eyes – Rev. Ben Wines

It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
To sing praises to Your name, O Most High;
To declare Your steadfast love in the morning,
And Your faithfulness by night,
To the music of the lute and the harp,
To the melody of the lyre.
For You, O Lord, have made me glad by Your work;
At the works of Your hands I sing for joy.
The righteous flourish like the palm tree,
And grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
They are planted in the House of the Lord;
They flourish in the courts of our God.
In old age they still produce fruit;
They are always green and full of sap,
Showing that the Lord is upright;
He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. – From Psalm 92

The LORD said, “Rise and anoint him; for this is the one.” – 1 Samuel 16:12

Join us as Rev. Benjamin Wines continues our series about King David – “The Man After God’s Own Heart” We will be reading from 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13.

Today’s Quartet is Brenda Doyle, Anne Pokorny, Mike Bunch and John Myers. The Soprano Recorder is played by Brenda Doyle. A big thank you to all of the above for sharing their gifts of music with us this morning.

We would also like to extend Congratulations to our Graduates: Helen Bowen, Cassie Hall, Maggie Hunt


Leader: I give You thanks O Lord, with my whole heart;
People: Before the gods I sing your praise;
Leader: I bow down towards Your holy temple
People: And give thanks for Your steadfast love and faithfulness;
Leader: For You have exalted Your Name and Word above everything.
People: On the day I called, You answered me, You strengthened my soul.
Leader: All the kings of the earth shall praise You, O Lord,
People: For they have heard the words of Your mouth.
Leader: They shall sing of the ways of the Lord,
People: For great is the glory of the Lord.
Leader: For though the Lord is high, He regards the lowly;
People: But the haughty He perceives from far away.
Leader: Though I walk in the midst of trouble,
People: You preserve me against the wrath of my enemies.
Leader: The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me;
People: Your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.from Psalm 138

Please join us for Worship starting at 10:50AM. (The service will also be archived so that you can view it at any time afterwards.) As Pastor Ben Wines begins the series, “The Man After God’s Own Heart”, we will be reading from 1 Samuel 8:1-22.

Today’s Quartet is Brenda Doyle, Julie Stoops, Mike Bunch and John Myers. Thank you for sharing their gifts of music with us this morning.

Below are printable/downloadable files in Adobe PDF format for the Bulletin and Children’s Ministry Resources.

The Community of God

The Community of God – Rev. Benjamin Wines

God the Creator is in this place.
The love of God is with us.
Jesus our Redeemer is in this place.
The Grace of our Lord is with us.
The Holy Spirit is in this place.
The Communion of the Spirit is with us.
We welcome the fullness of God’s Presence.
God the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, be with us now and forever. Amen.

Please join us for Worship starting at 10:50AM. (The service will also be archived so that you can view it at any time afterwards.) We will be reading from John 3:1-17.

Today’s Quartet is Anne Pokorny, Brenda Doyle, Mike Bunch and John Myers with Leigh singing the anthem.
A big thank you to all of the above for sharing their gifts of music with us this morning.

Below are printable/downloadable files in Adobe PDF format for the Bulletin and Children’s Ministry Resources.

Sounds Crazy, Right?

“Sounds Crazy, Right” – Rev. Benjamin Wines

Leader: O Lord, how manifold are Your works!
People: The earth is full of Your creatures.
Leader: These all look to You
People: To give them their food in due season;
Leader: When You give to them, they gather it up;
People: When You open your hand, they are filled with good things.
Leader: When You hide Your face,
People: They are dismayed;
Leader: When You take away their breath,
People: They die and return to their dust.
Leader: When You send forth Your Spirit, they are created;
People: And You renew the face of the ground.
Leader: May the glory of the Lord endure forever;
People: May the Lord rejoice in His works.
Leader: I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
People: I will sing praise to my God while I have being. – from Psalm 104

Please join us for Worship starting at 10:50AM. (The service will also be archived so that you can view it at any time afterwards.) We will be reading from Acts 2:1-21 and our Call to Worship is from Psalm 104.

Today’s Quartet is Anne Pokorny, Leigh Bigger, Mike Bunch and John Myers with Leigh singing the anthem.
A big thank you to all of the above for sharing their gifts of music with us this morning.

Below are printable/downloadable files in Adobe PDF format for the Bulletin and Children’s Ministry Resources.

Looking Up

“Looking Up” – Rev. Benjamin Wines

The Lord is King, He is robed in majesty;
The Lord is robed, He is girded with strength.
He has established the world;
It shall never be moved;
Your throne is established from of old;
You are from everlasting.
The floods have lifted up,
O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice;
The floods lift up their roaring.
More majestic than the thunders of mighty waters,
More majestic than the waves of the sea,
Majestic on high is the Lord!
Your decrees are very sure;
Holiness befits your house, O Lord, forevermore.

from Psalm 93

Please join us for Worship starting at 10:50AM. (The service will also be archived so that you can view it at any time afterwards.) We will be reading from Acts 1:1-11 and our Call to Worship is from Psalm 93.

Today’s Quartet is Mary Summerlin, Brenda Doyle, John Myers, and Mike Bunch.
A big thank you to all of the above for sharing their gifts of music with us this morning.

Below are printable/downloadable files in Adobe PDF format for the Bulletin, Children’s Ministry Resources, and the Mother’s Day Prayer used in today’s service.


Chosen – Rev. Benjamin J. Wines

O sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things.
His right hand and His holy arm have gotten Him victory.
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;
Break forth into joyous song and sing praises.
Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre,
With the lyre and the sound of melody.
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
Make a joyful noise before the Lord.
Let the sea roar, and all that fills it;
The world and those who live in it.
Let the floods clap their hands;
Let the hills sing together for joy
At the presence of the Lord, for He is coming to judge the earth.
He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity.
-From Psalm 98:1, 4-9

Please join us for Worship starting at 10:50AM. (The service will also be archived so that you can view it at any time afterwards.) We will be reading from John 15:9-17 and our Call to Worship comes from Psalm 98:1, 4-9.

Today’s trio is Anne Pokorney, Brenda Doyle and Mike Bunch.
A big thank you to all of the above for sharing their gifts of music with us this morning.

Below are printable/downloadable files in Adobe PDF format for the Bulletin, Children’s Ministry Resources, and the Mother’s Day Prayer used in today’s service.


From You comes my praise in the great congregation;
My vows I will pay before those who fear Him.
The poor shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek Him shall praise the Lord.
May your hearts live forever!
All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord;
And all the families of the nations shall worship before Him.
For dominion belongs to the Lord,
And He rules over the nations.
To Him, indeed, shall all who sleep in the earth bow down;
Before Him shall bow all who go down to the dust, and I shall live for Him.
Posterity will serve Him;
Future generations will be told about the Lord,
And proclaim His deliverance to a people yet unborn,
Saying that He has done it.

Please join us for Worship starting at 10:50AM. (The service will also be archived so that you can view it at any time afterwards.) We will be reading from 1 John 4-21, and our Call to Worship comes from Psalm 22:25-31.

Today’s quartet is Brenda Doyle, Leigh Bigger, Mike Bunch & John Myers. A big thank you to all of the above for sharing their gifts of music with us this morning.

Can You Hear Me Now?

“Can You Hear Me Now?’ – Dr. Bill Pyle

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. – from Psalm 23

Please join us for Worship starting at 10:50AM. (The service will also be archived so that you can view it at any time afterwards.) We will be reading from John 10:1-18, and our Call to Worship comes from Psalm 23.

Today’s duets are presented by Brenda Doyle and Mary Summerlin. Jan Mangum is today’s pianist.

You Just Had to be There

“You Just Had to be There” – Dr. Bill Pyle

Pastor: How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
People: It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard,
Pastor: running down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar of his robe.
People: It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion.
Pastor: For there the LORD bestows his blessing,
People: even life forevermore. – From Psalm 133

Please join us for Worship at 11:00AM. (The service will also be archived so that you can view it at any time afterwards.) We will be reading from John 20:19-31, and our Call to Worship comes from Psalm 133.
Today’s music is brought to us by Brenda Doyle, Mary Summerlin, Mike Bunch, and John Myers.