“Name Above All Names”
Philippians 2:5-11
Rev. Benjamin J. Wines
Christmas Eve Service, 2024
Lighting the Christ Candle
Leader: It was on this night, two thousand years ago,
People: That the world changed forever.
Leader: A young couple arrived in Bethlehem.
People: They were looking for a place to stay.
Leader: The time was coming for their child to be born.
People: But no one had room for them.
Leader: Finally, they were led to a cave.
People: A night spent among the animals.
Leader: And Mary gave birth to her first-born son.
People: She wrapped him in bands of cloth and laid him in a manger.
Leader: The Light of the World came and dwelled among us.
People: We had no room for him, but he has always made room for us.
Leader: That first Christmas changed everything.
People: Thanks be to God!
May God bless each and every one of you with a joyous and very Merry Christmas!!!